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So dont be scared to incorporate several of the backlinking sources we have discussed in this eBook into your link wheel, such as: articles, RSS feeds, social networking, Social Bookmarking, etc. You can write or outsource articles or spin Private Label Rights materials to create the content in each of the Web 2. 0 properties. We have already covered some great automated tools to help with this process. You can also build several tiers in your link wheel design using a mixture of differing web 2. 0 properties and other link sources such as article sites and document sharing sites in addition to blog posts and other links.
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Teaching reading to poor readers in the intermediate grades: A comparison of text difficulty. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 474 485. The TCRWP curriculum is designed in alignment with the research base on students reading to learn to gain knowledge. The reading curriculum offers students a balance of reading literature and informational texts throughout the year. Each grades curriculum includes units which are entirely devoted to supporting students in reading to learn through nonfiction readingabout topics of high interest to them as well as topics related to the content area curriculum. In addition, multiple reading units, such as Historical Fiction Book Clubs, Interpretation Text Sets, Social Issues Book Clubs: Applying Analytical Lenses Across Literature and Informational Texts, and others, provide opportunities to read across genres within a unit. The curriculum for these units supports students in learning to grasp major ideas and concepts as well as information and related to specific topics through focused studies. Moreover, these units, as all units, also support students in reading to acquire and use both academic vocabulary and domain specific vocabulary. Students reading to gain knowledgeabout the world as well as about vocabulary and spellinghas a strong research base. One of several research studies that provides evidence for this is Cunningham and Stanovichs 1991 research on Tracking the Unique Effects of Print Exposure in Children: Associations with Vocabulary, General Knowledge, and Spelling where it was concluded, that print exposure, although clearly a consequence of developed reading ability, is probably also a significant contributor to the development of other aspects of verbal intelligence. Such rich get richer and their converse, Table 7 poor get poorer effects are becoming of increasing concern to educational practitioners Adams, 1990; Chall, 1989 p.
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